Surprise at my Aunt's place

 If there was anything James dreaded most in life, it was having to visit his Aunt Elizabeth. The woman was a selfish shrew of a woman who lorded her wealth over the rest of the family. She was only tich because she married a wealthy C.E.O, whose company she took over once her husband had mysteriously disappeared. She had invited her nephew to come visit, telling him there would be a special surprise for him.  

James knocked on the door to his Aunts ostentatious townhouse. He heard his aunt call out.

“The doors open, darling. Come inside, I have something very special to show you.” James groaned at the thought of whatever Elizabeth had planned for him today. He opened the door and went inside the foyer.

“And close the door behind you, I don’t want some derelict homeless wretch coming in here.”

James slammed the door shut.

“There, now it is just us.”

Aunt Elizabeth walked into the foyer from her kitchen. As usual she was dressed in her most luxurious finery, that always made James feel out of place with his jeans and hoodie.

“You are late, as usual.”

“I am only five minutes late, Aunt Elizabeth.”

“Late is late, dear nephew. You would know that if you didn’t take after your lazy father.”

“Look I don’t have time for this. I’m meeting Kate tonight. Why did you invite me here? Just to insult me?”

Elizabeth gave a chuckle, a cold haughty chuckle that always put James on edge. “At least you still have your mother’s impertinence. That backbone of yours is your saving grace. Unlike that empty suit of a Father of yours. Now follow me, I have something very special to show you.”

Elizabeth led her nephew into her dining room, an ostentatious room filled with gorgeous antiques from around the world. James, for all his airs of unpretentiousness, did admit to himself that his aunt had fine taste in interior design. He admired her latest additions, a Chinese Vase from the Ming Dynasty, a Gramophone from the 1930s, and a wonderful Victorian style mirror which still had a perfectly clear reflection where could see his Aunt raise a ray gun at him.

James instinctively ducked, barely missing the ray beam that directly the mirror, bouncing straight back at Elizabeth. James stood back up, and where his aunt there was now just her clothes in a clump on the floor. That and something else. Next to the clump was the small remains of the raygun. It had broken when it hit the floor.

Amongst her fine silky clothes there was a strange piece of clothing. James gingerly picked it up, the fabric having a slick rubbery feel on his fingertips. He found it to be a flesh coloured bodysuit designed for a woman. The top of the bodysuit had shiny blonde hair attached to the hood, and it had a very detailed face of a mature woman that looked very familiar to… oh no…

James immediately dropped the bodysuit. The bodysuit’s face was an exact replica of his Aunt’s. “That raygun was… of course!” James suddenly remembered his Aunt talking about her work with the tech company Baroness Inc. There were rumours that they had created a device capable of turning people into skinsuits, full bodysuit that when worn would turn the wearer into an exact copy of the transformed person.

“Is that what you were going to do with me?” James said aloud. “Transform me into a skinsuit then wear me? Ugh. That’s so gross and weird. And just like her, of course.” James sighed. He went to inspect the skinsuit gun but it was so busted there was no way of knowing how to even fix it.

“Guess you’re just an empty suit now Elizabeth.” James picked up the suit again and carefully examined it, looking for anything that might help him turn his Aunt back. As angry and disgusted as he was with his Aunt, he knew he couldn’t just keep her here as skinsuit. He tried to think back to what he knew about skinsuit technology and recalled that when worn, the suit gives the wearer the suit’s memories.

“Oh God… I can’t… can I?” James fretted about what he was going to do next. His mother would never forgive him if he did not at least try to bring her sister back. With a heavy sigh, James made sure all the window blinds were closed and started to undress.

Once completely naked, started to put on the skin suit. It felt weird, pulling the rubbery fabric up his legs, like he was encasing himself in a balloon. He could see in real time his hairy stocky legs get covered in his aunts smooth and slender skin. While on the inside the suit had the same rubbery texture, on the outside he could feel human skin. He pulled up the waist and grimaced at the idea he was now wearing his Aunt’s crotch.

“I’m definitely going to hell.” He said, keeping his eyes away from down there.

James then pulled up the sleeves of the skinsuit, yanking his hands and arms all the way through, his muscular arms from Football and weight lifting now covered in his aunts more toned and sleek arms, brought on through her extensive Pilates regimen.

“This is amazing, still doesn’t look real though. There is still this rubber sheen. I look completely fake in this.”

With his arms in, that brought the chest forward, and James was thankful that Elizabeth’s breasts were still deflated. He fitted his shoulders comfortable into the suit and was surprised that he did not feel crushed by it at all. He found it quite comfortable to be in the skin of his Aunt. The smooth rubber tingled against his skin.

James reached for the zip on the back, which to his dismay was located just below his Aunts derriere. He gingerly grabbed the zip and dragged it up along, zipping him inside the skinsuit. Pulling all the way to the neck, he then moved to the face mask, currently dangling in front of him.

On the inside, James saw that the mask did not have any holes for his nose, eyes, ears, or mouth.

“How am I going to breath out of this thing.”

“Well, here goes.”

James pulled on the mask, stretching the rubber over his head. After some heavy squeezing, he got it all the way over. Now blind, he struggled a bit to grab the zipper on his neck, and after fumbling with the long hair attached to the mask, pulled up the way to the top, sealing him into the skinsuit. Upon reaching the very top, the suit activated.

The sensation of rubber on James’ skin disappeared, as the skinsuit bonded completely to his body. He could see again, and he immediately noticed two things. One, his visions was now a little fuzzy, and two, it was much lower than before. He looked at his hands and the suit looked entirely lifelike now. He currently had his aunt’s dainty hands, with a hint of wrinkle showing her mature age. With his vision impaired, James had to walk closer to the mirror to get a good look at himself. Once he could see clearly, he gave a gasp. There, in the mirror, was his aunt. Her icy blue eyes, her high check bones, his aristocratic nose, her long blonde hair. There she was in his reflection. He touched himself to see if it was real, and there it was, one feminine hand touching a feminine face. He softly stroked himself on the check, then slowly move down below, to his thin swan like neck, his round firm breasts, his flat toned stomach, and his thin waist, all the way done til… no. Not that.

Her body was so different than his own. For one thing he was 6 foot 2 inches tall, while she was 5 foot 8.  James did have to admit that at 48 years old his Aunt Elizabeth had kept herself in great shape. Any signs of again had only made her more beautiful, giving her a mature ice queen visage that could stun any man or woman.

He really was her now. He carefully checked the rest of his body, avoiding the crotch area. He wanted in and out without anything that crossed a line. He tried to find any sign of the zipper and momentarily panicked. How was he going to even get out of her body, never mind turning her back? He breathed in, calmed down, and found a nub on the back of his head that was the start of the zipper.

“Okay, gotta stop checking myself out. Need to get her memories going. This shit is nasty.” He was mildly perturbed to hear him speak in his aunt’s voice. Her smooth dulcet tones not really matching his rough words.

“Come on now, think think think. Gotta remember. Gotta do something cause I can’t just stay as my naked aunt all day. Wait, that’s it!” James figured that in order to access his aunt’s memories he needs to act like her, and she would not be waltzing around her dining room in her birthday suit. No, she would be impeccably dressed as always.

James looked at the clothes Elizabeth was wearing earlier and went to pick them up. He then though oddly decided that it was not right to wear those clothes. They had been sullied earlier and he needed to wear something fresh for today. Instead he decided to head to Elizabeth’s bedroom upstairs. It took him a bit to get there as he was still getting use to his new body. His centre of gravity was off, and he still had his Aunt’s poorer eyesight.

By the time he got the hang of it he entered his Aunt’s bedroom. Looking around, the first thing that caught his eye were his aunt’s glasses on her vanity. He put them and everything came back into focus. He then eyed his aunt’s wardrobe, which she had built with door lined with mirrors.

“There’s nothing that Aunt Elizabeth loves more than admiring herself in mirror.” James remarked, admiring himself in the mirror. He opened the wardrobe and eyed his aunt’s vast collection of fashionable finery.

“Hmm, I need to think like Elizabeth, so I need to put on an outfit that she would wear.” James focused, and he found himself drawn to his aunt’s underwear collection. He picked out a pair of black silk panties and nimbly put them on. Next, he picked out a silk black bra. “Gotta match. Elizabeth would always make sure her bra and panties match.”  He deftly put on the bra, whose cup size was D, as if he had done it a million times.

“Alright, I’m thinking more like her now.” James then remembered that his Aunt love to wear nylons, so he grabbed a pair and rolled each one up his legs snugly. “Now what would Elizabeth wear today. Just a casual outfit I’m sure. She’s just met with her nephew and is now going to relax and think about where she got her fancy ray gun.”

James looked through the wardrobe, and as if on auto pilot, pulled out a white silk blouse and a black leather skirt. “Okay, this might be a little dressy. But it’s Aunt Elizabeth. It’s what she does. He buttoned up the blouse, then put on the leather skirt which reached just above his knees. Tucking the blouse into the skirt made him feel nice, as if he were keeping up appearances. He picked up a smart black leather suit jacket to complete the look, which he buttoned up as well. He then grabbed a pair of black Louboutin (how do I know what brand they are) pumps with a 5 inch heel. He slipped them on and after a couple of tries found himself naturally walking in them perfectly, talking long elegant steps heel to toe.

“Fantastic, I should be thinking exactly like soon enough.” He then realised that Aunt Elizabeth never went anyway without makeup. He sat at her vanity and started to apply vanity. Following the same instinct that drove his wardrobe choices, James expertly applied the make up to his face. He also went through his Aunt’s jewellery box, picking out earrings and a gold necklace.

James blew a kiss to his reflection. “Hello there, Aunt Elizabeth. You’re looking quite divine today.” He couldn’t help but chuckle. He was really sounding like Elizabeth now. But he still didn’t have her memories. He still had no idea how to get his Aunt back.

Would it be so bad…

James shook his pretty head. Just a weird thought. Nothing more.

“Hmm. I am dressed like Elizabeth. I’m wearing makeup and jewellery like Elizabeth. I’m starting to speak and move like Elizabeth. What else can I do?” James pondered this, as he idly crossed his legs in a feminine manner and dangled his left pump in the air.

James suddenly had a desire for a coffee at the local café. James had never been a coffee drinker but in Elizabeth’s body he now had keen taste for it. Yes, it was time Elizabeth had her daily coffee. James also realised that if he was going to think like Elizabeth, he should only refer to himself as such, as well as stop using male pronouns.

Before heading outside, Elizabeth followed her instincts in putting on a pair of black leather gloves and grabbing a Prada purse (again how do I know these brands). Now fully attired, Elizabeth left her home and drove her Jaguar sports car to what she knew is her favourite French delicatessen.

Elizabeth walked into the delicatessen with a confident stride, enjoying the feel of leather, silk and nylon on her skin, and the sound of her heels tapping on the ground. She could sense eyes looking upon her, mixtures of lust and envy, and she felt no shame from it. It made her feel pride. Of course that people would be drawn to her, someone as dressed as sexy as she was. No wonder the real Elizabeth was so haughty all the time. Her mere presence affected people. She never knew how much joy there was in being Elizabeth, but for at least today, she would embrace these feminine pleasures.

“Mrs Jennings, how lovely it is to see you again.” A pretty French waitress greeted her, “Will it be your usual again Madam?”

“Yes, my usual, and make it quick.” Elizabeth answered, making sure to smooth out her skirt as she sat down. The waitress gave a short deferential bow before quickly making her drink. Elizabeth thought she saw the waitress blush when she gave her the order.

‘Interesting.’ She thought to herself.  Elizbeth slowly removed her gloves as she watched the waitress diligently make her coffee. There was something remarkable about that girl Elizabeth thought.

‘She is so cute and lovely and petite and submissive, and I just want to bind her down and ride her like a pony Woah what the fuck!

Elizabeth was so taken aback by that train of thought that she briefly became James again. A warm feeling grew slightly in her body. Breathing slowly, Elizabeth calmed down and reasserted her persona.

‘I guess I am a little bit kinky.’ She thought. ‘And bisexual as well. My nephew is so inattentive.’

The waitress brought Elizabeth her coffee and asked if she wanted anything else.

“Yes you forgot my croissant you foolish girl. Prepare it for me quickly, before I tire of your establishment’s uncouth service.” Elizabeth brusquely replied. The waitress gave her deepest apologies. Elizabeth sip her coffee, enjoying its bitter hot taste. Once again, she noted the waitress’s cheeks reddening when she was rudely ordered about.

Such submission in a delicate little girl like she,’ Elizabeth thought. ‘It’s enough to make me wet.’

Elizabeth silently drank her coffee in the French delicatessen, not even looking up when the waitress returned with her croissant. She felt a certain serenity in acting out how she imagined the real Elizabeth would have been. To not act like an arrogant bitch would be unnatural. She tried to think even more like the real Elizabeth, so she delved in the kinky thoughts she had about the waitress. Thoughts of sex and bondage, of tying the petite girl to a bed face done and spanking her… with her favourite crop. She would make the girl squeal, then muffle with a ball gag, all the while making sure she knew that her wet cunt was proof that she was a dirty little slut who loved being punished by her mistress. She could order the waitress to get naked now and she wouldn’t even hesitate. Hell, just last week she had the little French bitch cornered in the lady’s bathroom and had her eat her out.

‘Wait… that was a memory. That was an actual memory of the real Elizabeth!’ She thought triumphantly. ‘Yes… Even in the storeroom! Dear lord is my Aunt a kinky bitch. And now that kinky bitch is me. Okay, I think I got it. Horniness can activate my memories. Oh I got to get back home now.’

Upon finishing her coffee and croissant, Elizabeth payed the waitress with her platinum credit card. She made sure to gently stroke the girl’s arm with her gloved hand, half hoping that might also activate memories… that and it was fun watching the girl softly moan. Elizabeth then drove to her home and went straight to her bedroom. Underneath her bed she found what she was looking for, a big black rubber dildo.

“Perfect!” She said with glee. She quickly removed her clothing, being careful to fold it properly as it was very fine clothing, and then sat on her bed naked with dildo in hand.

 As before, she followed her instincts and gently pushed the dildo into her wet vagina. In… and out… in… and out. Again and again. She started to moan from the pleasure. Pleasure she had never felt as James. Stupid immature James could never feel pleasure like this. Flashes of the real Elizabeth came to her mind. Elizabeth with woman, Elizabeth with men. She was fucking all of them, clothed in leather and latex. Playing deviant games that James had never played, especially not with his girlfriend Kate. That frigid prude. She hated anything sexy. Elizabeth’s hand got faster and faster, the dildo going in deeper and deeper, she moaned louder and louder and louder. Memories of past affairs, past conquests, past dominations of sweet young things eager to serve a refined older woman, eager to learn all the ways of lust and submission. All of it flooding into her brain.

“Ah..Ah…Ahhhhhhhhhh” She climaxed, removed the soaking wet dildo from her cunt, and lied down on her bed, awash in the post orgasm glow.

She remembered now. She remembered everything. She had all of the real Elizabeth’s memories, which now felt more real to her than the James’ ones. In that burst of ecstasy, she had become fully Elizabeth mentally. Now she recalled how to turn her back, but more importantly, she recalled why she had gotten that skinsuit in the first place. A devious smile came to her lips, then a cold-hearted cackle.

Across town, young college sophomore Kate Anderson received a text from her boyfriend James. It said that he was being held up by his Aunt at her place and that Kate should meet him there tonight. He had a special surprise for her.


           End of Part 1





  1. May I borrow your bodysuit for the weekend... Gotta know what that feels like...

  2. when are you releasing part 2 more skinsuit?

  3. I need to see more skimsuit victims please


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